Selamat Datang ke PPDa SMK BT 5

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PPDa Setiap Negeri di Malaysia

Maklumat mengenai PPDa setiap negeri di Malaysia

Video PPDa SMK Batu 5 Gurun Kedah Tahun 2011

Video mengenai Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Batu 5 Gurun, Kedah. Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam menjayakan penghasilan video ini.

Pemandangan Asrama SMKBT5 Sempena PPDa

Pemandangan Asrama SMKBT5 Sempena PPDa

Cara Mengatasi Masalah Penagihan Dadah

Disini adalah beberapa cara untuk mengatasi masalah penagihan dadah.

Tingkatkan pengetahuan :-

  • cari maklumat tentang ubat-ubat yang sering disalah guna dan tanda-tanda penyalahgunaan
  • sering berkongsi maklumat dengan ibu bapa, guru dan jiran
  • hargai maklumat orang lain tentang anak anda

Pendidikan yang kukuh dan berkesan adalah bermula dari rumah :-

  • terapkan kepentingan ubat dan cara pengambilan yang betul
  • beritahu anak-anak tentang bahaya penyalahgunaan ubat ubatan
  • awasi anak anda jika ada tanda ketagihan atau perubahan yang ketara

Jadi rakan yang paling baik kepada nak anda :-

  • sentiasa bekomunikasi dengan anak anda
  • berkongsi masalah dan pengalaman dengannya
  • kenali rakan anak anda
  • ketahui dimana anak anda berada pada setiap masa.

Galeri : Bilik PPDa SMKBT5 - Penuh Informasi dan Menarik!

Selamat Datang ke Galeri Bilik PPDa SMKBATU5...
Berikut adalah serba sedikit gambar di dalam bilik PPDa sekolah SMKBATU5.

Ruang rehat bagi pelawat dan juga pelajar juga disediakan di bilik PPDa.

Pelbagai bahan menarik untuk menarik perhatian pelajar tentang 
bahaya Dadah kepada diri dan masyarakat.

Risalah-risalah tentang Dadah dan juga rokok diberikan secara percuma 
untuk bacaan para pelajar di waktu lapang.

 Mesin Kesan Dadah Terhadap Organ Manusia

Interaktif : Pelajar menekan butang menunjukkan maklumat
 tentang kesan Dadah terhadap organ manusia

Drug Addicts: Some Facts You Should Know

Drug Addicts: Some Facts You Should Know

It cannot yet be fully explained why a number of individuals develop addiction or turn out to be drug addicts. Some think that addiction may be caused by fame but this is a rather shallow understanding of the issue. People of any stature can be subject to drug abuse. The issue is not confined to a particular sector of society. Drug addiction is a mental disease that has gotten worse due to misinformation and lack of concern for various individuals. One fact remains though, the rise in incidents of drug addiction is a testament that society has gone overboard. Despite the advancement of technology communication has clearly declined. The upsurge of drug misuse is an indication that society has been too busy to even care for its members.
Substance addiction is an ailment that alters the brain's structure and gets in the way of normal brain function. It is however unclear as to why a number of individuals can avoid addiction while others cannot. Self-control is affected by recurrent drug abuse. Such experience gives an impulse to carry on using drugs. This results to a hallucinatory state as well as inability to make good decisions.
A good number of drug addicts wouldn't concede that they've lost control over their own lives. Chemicals like drugs strike the brain's system of communication and gets in the way of normal nerve information processing. Cocaine and morphine replicate the natural chemical messenger in the brain or overexcite the brain's reward circuit thereby causing an imbalance which then results to unavoidable addiction.
Heroin and marijuana have identical structure of chemical messenger also known as the neurotransmitter. They can create what the brain normally emits but with increased doses. They trick the brain receptors to send abnormal messages. Such drugs can also impede brain chemical recycling that is necessary for the signal shut off between neurons. A drug addict can experience sleep loss hyperactivity as well as overeating on occasion. Addicts need more help and care from friends and family as they have lost willpower to overcome their addiction. Drug addicts less understand the world as drugs alter their way of understanding. They are in constant want of moving away from reality. Substance addiction can be cured. It is however only possible through exhaustive research as well as thorough guidance.
Don't let your lives be ruined by such substances. It will help if you stop it using it now.

Stop it before you're caught!

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